Monday, January 31, 2011

Arthritis Symptoms More Condition_symp Toms

Strudel di mozzarella e funghi

Basics Difficulty: Easy
Cooking time: 5 minutes cooking mushrooms - about 20 minutes cooking

strudel strudel Ingredients for 8:
300 g 00 flour 1 egg

80 gr
butter 50 ml of water about 200 grams of mushrooms

200 grams of mozzarella

parsley olive oil garlic


First of all go to prepare the mushrooms, making in a saucepan a bit of olive oil where you are going to fry a clove of garlic (which will subsequently removed), fungi cut into small pieces, parsley, salt and pepper, and cook for about 5 minutes
Leave aside to cool and move on to prepare the dough for strudel.
Put in a bowl the flour, salt, egg and butter in flakes
start working the dough by hand until a smooth dough, adding lukewarm water from time to time

Now go to a floured surface roll out the dough with a rolling pin made

Cut rectangular strips of where we will place a spoonful of sauce with mushrooms and bits of mozzrella

Roll now making a pressure to close the edges well and carve the top with a knife to prevent it from bulging your strudel

Prepare a baking sheet covered with parchment, and Lie down the prepared strudel, bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes

Serve hot:)

all for today, a greeting from the chefs messy:)

Depression In Men More Condition_sympt Oms

Outtakes (Still) Buying Records / 6

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Expanding The Realm Of Acoustic Rapids Hare

Cannelloni di carne veloci e rapidi....

Basics Difficulty: Easy
Cooking time: 15 minutes in the oven

cannelloni rough puff pastry (that of Giovanni Rana is fabulous if I can give you some advice)

Tomato sauce 600 gr. minced meat

Salt Pepper Béchamel

Mozzarella grated Parmesan Nutmeg

A knob of butter olive oil

A disposable aluminum tray


In a saucepan put the butter and meat for cooking

start to cook, adding salt, pepper and nutmeg, until No meat becomes golden brown, burnt nn, slightly scalded

Let hour aside to cool.
Meanwhile in another saucepan prepare a simple sauce, this is a good alternative to meat sauce, which requires a longer and more elaborate preparation.
We have olive oil as a base, the pureed tomatoes, il sale ed il pepe e mescoliamo, facendo cuocere per 10 minuti, fino a che nn avrà bollito a sufficienza.

Tritate finemente la carne al tritatutto, in modo che diventi di una consistenza sabbiosa.
Ora, con un mestolo, cospargete la base della teglia in alluminio con questo sugo ricavato

Preparate una casseruola di acqua salata, andate a sbollentare la pasta sfoglia fresca per un minuto e poi raffreddatela in una bacinella di acqua fredda

Ora adagiate la carne, precedentemente macinata, in questo modo

ed arrotolate i cannelloni stretti stretti, per poi posizionarli sulla teglia già predisposta

Una volta fatta questa operazione fino a coprire tutta la superfie della teglia andate a ricoprire anche la parte superiore con altro sugo, la besciamella, la mozzarella tagliata in pezzetti ed il parmigiano grattugiato

Preriscaldate the oven to 200 ° at this point and put to bake for about 15-20 minutes and your cannelloni are ready to be served hot at the table:)

all for today, a greeting from the chefs messy:)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Menstruation Look Like?

Polpettine di zucchine...

Basics Difficulty: Easy
Cooking time: 30 minutes in the oven, fried about 15 minutes (+ 20 minutes standing in a refrigerator)

Ingredients 600 gr . Zucchini Parmesan

oil for frying 2 eggs

50 gr. Doggy

flour salt pepper



Cut the zucchini into small cubes and boil in salted water for 10 minutes until lightly wilt

Drain and set aside

Once the zuccchine warm place in a bowl and add the Parmesan cheese to taste the eggs, pecorino cheese, salt, pepper and bread crumbs and mix together to form a dough will

Now with floured hands form small balls and coat in bread crumbs and flour
Now refrigerate about twenty minutes to do it that addensino better.
Once past the time you can choose the mode of cooking, which can be either in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes, using a baking tray with greaseproof paper over (as I did), or fry in oil special for 5 minutes (maybe this is the most delicious!)

all for today, a greeting from the chefs messy:)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Desnudo De Patricia Navida

Panzerotti di pizza ripieni di pomodoro e mozzarella e patata...

I nformation
Basic Fixes: Low
Cooking time: 30 minutes Ingredients

's pizza dough
300 gr.

flour Salt to taste 1 packet of yeast and half salted water

Ingredients for the sauce
500 gr. Potato

Mozzarella Tomato sauce 2 eggs


Prima di tutto lessare come al solito le patate per circa 45 minuti in acqua salata.
Successivamente prepariamo l'impasto per la pizza, mettendo in una terrina la farina, il lievito e il sale, impastando piano piano aggiungendo l'acqua tiepida, fino ad ottenere un panetto compatto che andrà messo a riposare sotto un canovaccio umido per minimo tre ore.

Una volta trascorso il tempo necessario infarinare una spianatoia e stendere la pasta della pizza col mattarello

round with an accessory that can also be a glass, consisting of small circles

Once you drain the potatoes and make them pass the tritapatate smooth and without lumps

Now you go to fill the circles obtained with two different sauces, tomato sauce and mozzarella (and lightly salted) and made mashed potatoes, placing them at the center of the disc

Now close to half moon and go with a fork to combine the two edges

Beat the eggs with a brush and go to brush the surface of turnovers

Preheat oven to 200 degrees and place the turnovers on a baking tray covered with baking paper, bake for about 30 minutes, Always check the kitchen.
And here are ready to be served at the table hot

all for today, a greeting from the chefs messy:)