Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Desnudo De Patricia Navida

Panzerotti di pizza ripieni di pomodoro e mozzarella e patata...

I nformation
Basic Fixes: Low
Cooking time: 30 minutes Ingredients

's pizza dough
300 gr.

flour Salt to taste 1 packet of yeast and half salted water

Ingredients for the sauce
500 gr. Potato

Mozzarella Tomato sauce 2 eggs


Prima di tutto lessare come al solito le patate per circa 45 minuti in acqua salata.
Successivamente prepariamo l'impasto per la pizza, mettendo in una terrina la farina, il lievito e il sale, impastando piano piano aggiungendo l'acqua tiepida, fino ad ottenere un panetto compatto che andrĂ  messo a riposare sotto un canovaccio umido per minimo tre ore.

Una volta trascorso il tempo necessario infarinare una spianatoia e stendere la pasta della pizza col mattarello

round with an accessory that can also be a glass, consisting of small circles

Once you drain the potatoes and make them pass the tritapatate smooth and without lumps

Now you go to fill the circles obtained with two different sauces, tomato sauce and mozzarella (and lightly salted) and made mashed potatoes, placing them at the center of the disc

Now close to half moon and go with a fork to combine the two edges

Beat the eggs with a brush and go to brush the surface of turnovers

Preheat oven to 200 degrees and place the turnovers on a baking tray covered with baking paper, bake for about 30 minutes, Always check the kitchen.
And here are ready to be served at the table hot

all for today, a greeting from the chefs messy:)


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