Saturday, December 18, 2010

Premature Menopause More Condition_sym Ptoms

Muffins al prosciutto cotto e parmigiano

I nformation basic
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Dose: for 10 muffins Ingredients

250 gr. 00
flour 200 ml.

milk 2 eggs 50 gr.
butter 100 gr.
ham into small cubes 50 gr.
grated Parmesan cheese 1 teaspoon baking powder a pinch salt salted

In a bowl, put eggs, milk and butter previously melted

In a second bowl in hand together flour, baking powder, Parmesan cheese, salt and if I can give some advice to make them rise better, a little pinch of baking soda.
At this point in this bowl, add the ham and mix ... United
now the two compounds in a single bowl

Ora imburrate 10 stampini usa e getta da muffins di alluminio, e versate in ogniuno parte del composto ottenuto...diciamo fin verso metà stampino...tanto vedrete che lievitano :)

Infornate per 15/20 minuti (controllate con lo stecchino, se esce pulito e senza liquido saranno pronti) in forno preriscaldato a 180° e questo sarà il risultato :)

Per oggi è tutto, un saluto dai cuochi pasticcioni :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Digestive Disorders More Condition_sym Ptoms

Cappelletti Umbri delle feste di Natale...

Informazioni di base
Difficoltà: Average
Cooking: 5-6 minutes (depending if you have them frozen or if you do and eat directly)
Dose: up to 6 people (300 Cappelletti, are obviously portions) Ingredients

600 gr.
flour 6 eggs
500 gr. choice of ground beef

Salt to taste Pepper to taste Nutmeg to taste

A knob of butter


This is a recipe I learned from my grandmother ... who with his holy hands each year it prepares you for most of us enjoy a wonderful Christmas dinner for 12 people! :) The procedure
Home is identical to that described recently in the drafting of which I reproduce verbatim ravioli ...
The dough can be kneaded by hand or using a food processor to knead prepared if you have it. Obviously in the first case roll up your sleeves because it takes longer and is much more difficult as this, then we strongly recommend you go hence soon to buy one:)
In both cases the procedure is the same, to make things easier for us proceed with the robot;)
Put the flour and eggs, previously beaten and lightly salted, into the gimmick (me and technology are two parallel lines ... but in this case works wonders!) and let you work on kneading until a homogeneous species of bread, neither too hard nor too soft, you will know by touch in the first case may put another egg in the second case more flour ...
if you enjoy the traditions and want to do everything manually, place the flour in making a hole in the middle where you will gradually add one egg after another for the rest and will only need elbow grease ! ;)

You will have your pasta on which to be able to work.
put aside in the meantime a saucepan and melt butter, add the ground meat and cook until it becomes golden brown ... No attention should be burned burned .... but only when it becomes marrocina and nn is more than his original pink, meat is ready.
Add salt, pepper and nutmeg and stir so that everything amalagami well. Let cool.
Once cool your flesh must necessarily be passed into the food processor because it otherwise would be too rough ... and the consistency is right ... as if it were powdery sand.

proceed with the preparation now that you have all your ingredients ready.
In a wooden board have everything you need, cut the dough into small balls and pass on the machine to roll out the dough, if you're just masochists take a rolling pin and roll it by hand), beware that the conistenza No dough is too hard otherwise, once placed inside the meat will be shut down nos well

At this point, with a special tool to cut the dough "bars" where you are going to place the meat in the center
first crescent, then grab the ends of the two corners and close them like a hat to obtain this form

... This is the end result would be the ideal condiment with beef broth ... but also with meat sauce are really very good. You decide what you
isprira more ... all for today, a greeting from the chefs messy:)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lower Left Back Pain More Condition_sy Mptoms

Frittata alle zucchine...ricetta facile facile e veloce e dietetica :)

Difficulty: Very low
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Dose: 1 person

Ingredients 2 or 3 eggs ( according to personal taste) a pinch of salt

a pinch of pepper 1 or 2 zucchini (based on personal tastes)


This is a very easy recipe for a second course cook in the middle of the week on the fly ... it's diet and is also excellent as an appetizer if cut into small squares to serve flow directly on a plate at the table.
Wash the zucchini and grate with a special hand grater.

aside in a bowl beat eggs with a fork ... adding salt and pepper (nn required in a pan, it meanwhile, put a wire olive oil, let heat and cook for 3 minutes the zucchini chopped, so they fade slightly and when you go to cook the frittata nn remain too harsh.

Now add the two compounds

Mix well and reuse the same pan, again with a little oil, for nn to attack everything on the surface, for cooking

Cook for a few minutes on one side and then turn over, using a flat, on the other.

Serve hot directly secono if it is a dish ... if that make good use for a starter is well cold

all for today, a greeting from messy cooks:)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Back Pain More Condition_symptoms>back

Muffins al cioccolato...

Information Basic
Difficulty: Easy
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Dose: up to 6 people

Ingredients 200 gr.
flour 190 gr.
half sugar sachet baking powder
150 ml.

milk 2 eggs 50 gr. chocolate chips
60 gr. cocoa
50 gr. Proceedings of butter

Mix in a bowl the eggs, milk and melted butter
Separately mix together the ingredients dry, flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder and chocolate chips

Now add the two mixtures and mix well together

Once a homogeneous mixture proceed to grease and flour the molds, disposable aluminum muffin and pour in each one of it a few spoonfuls of the mixture

Bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 Always check the inside with a toothpick. After this time, your muffins are ready to be devoured:) (great for an afternoon of friends together with some cream and good tea!;))

all for today, a greeting from the chefs messy:)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 Soulstorm Telecharger

Plumcake alle verdure...

Basics Difficulty: Easy
Cooking time: 35 minutes Ingredients for two

carrots 2 zucchini onion

500 gr. flour

chives 200 ml.

corn milk 2 packets yeast salt
200 ml.
200 ml olive oil.

cream pepper salt to taste

4 eggs 50 gr. grated Parmesan cheese


Tagliate a tochetti le carote e le zucchine e mettetele in una padella soffriggere insieme alla cipolla, che una volta appassita andrà tolta
Fate cuocere per circa 10 minuti.  A parte in una terrina capiente mettete farina con il levito, il parmigiano e mescolate bene. Successivamente aggiungete il mais, fino a farlo infarinare completamente.

A questo punto unite l'erba cipollina.

Aggiungete le verdure cotte, e scolate dell'olio caldo di cottura, al composto e mescolate di nuovo

Ora manca di versario l'olio a crudo nel composto a mescolate il tutto, salate e pepate a piacere.

A parte versate il latte, la panna e le uova e sbattete leggermente, unite il composto liquido a quello solido mescolando ancora una volta bene in modo che tutto si amalgami.

Ora prendete dei contenitori in alluminio per plumacake lunghi e stretti e della carta forno, bagnatela sotto l'acqua calda in modo che possa prendere bene la forma del contenitore

Versate il composto sui due contenitori, aggiungete come guarnizione sopra dei pinoli ed accendete il forno a 180°
Mettete a cuocere per circa 35 minuti.

Controllate sempre la cottura con uno stecchino, se all'interno dovesse essere troppo bagnato vuole dire che va cotto ancora per qualche minuto.
Un volta tolto dal forno fate raffreddare in modo che si solidifichi bene e tagliate a fettina da servire direttamente in tavola :)

all for today, a greeting from the chefs messy:)