Saturday, November 7, 2009
Licence Agreement Templates
Friday 11 December at 20:30 at Casa professed in the atmosphere of Advent and preparation for a more authentic Christmas, we will gather for a communal celebration of the Sacrament of Penance.
Enlightened by the Word of God, after consideration of the priest, we read in the depths of our lives to make room for the God who immerses himself in our humanity and wants to live in an evangelical way with us, between us and in us. Then we can we can we reconcile with the Lord.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Best Shower Curtain Rail Calgary
Free Rabbit Cage Blueprints
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Gay Cruising In Maryland
Here are the four episodes: In
first part, the animation to the medieval dinner at the Tavern the Shelter, Friday, May 29, 2009 and the re-enactment of the act of spontaneous devotion of the people of Candelo the Savoy 1374.
In the second part certain times of day and the investiture of a knight of Sunday, May 31, 2009 in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore di Candelo.
In the third part stalls of artisans and the participating groups with scenes of everyday life among the rue Ricetto (BI).
In fourth of all the groups gather in the square of Recipes for the final salute, the event was over! We came back in 2009.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Darmowe Serwery Z Php
Friday, May 22, 2009
Strony Darmo Bez Reklam = 164
Latina Infomercial Spokemodels

Sgonfiotti fish
Fritteline chickpea
cake herb
Tomino fresh honey and roast suckling pig
salad onions baked in sour
rice balls
Raviole trout
cheese gnocchi
Faraona avvolta in pancetta al Moscato
Guanciale stracotto con crocchette di farro
Biancomangiare alle mandorle toscane con amarene
Vini in abbinamento
Friday, May 1, 2009
End Tables Inexpensive>end Tables Inexpensive
Verranno introdotti nella città di Torrice (Fr) alcuni elementi del sistema “ Parchi Europei del Tempo ”, elementi che potranno essere sviluppati e integrati nel tempo. I Parchi Europei del Tempo vogliono essere una rete europea di parchi in cui il tema principale risulti il “tempo” nei suoi svariati aspetti, dal suo significato etimologico al concetto di storia, memoria collettiva , ecc.
A) un percorso didattico-scientifico integrabile e sviluppabile nel tempo, anche in connessione con altri siti europei, avente come tema “ La misura del tempo nella storia dell’uomo ”;
B) la realizzazione di opere ed interventi di recupero finalizzati alla “Valorizzazione degli ambienti ipogei, delle risorse idriche sotterranee e dei punti di emergenza (fonti) e della facies culturale connessa ( Mundus Cereris )”;
C) la realizzazione di opere ed interventi di recupero finalizzati alla “Valorizzazione del mondo agricolo e della facies culturale connessa (Museo dell’agricoltura e della memoria – Antiche ritualità dionisiache – Rapporti tra astronomia e civiltà agricola : il mondo di Sothis e Demetra - Ritualità stagionali : la Giostra della Bufala, ecc.)”.
Fulcro del Park of the system time will be at the Memorial Faro (Centre for multifunctional complex and promoting local products and activities).
On the topic of "Measurement of time in human history" is proposed, in particular, to make sundials (Meridian), dials and astronomical alignments in stone or marble slab, antique astronomical instruments that men, since the Neolithic used to mark time. In this area of \u200b\u200bconsiderable interest is the complex astronomical "Cosmic Towers."
The three towers represent the tension of the territory to a future more in tune with the natural rhythms and dynamics complex of the cosmos, the axioms necessary for a serious "sustainable development". They will bring the light of our star (The Sun) and at sunset when the sky reveals the secrets of the universe emit electromagnetic signals to the point where the axis of the world pierced the sky (Polaris). The solar energy flow through the towers will become vital signs to the cosmos. These signals represent a symbolic attempt to send a message to other worlds using the language of mathematics: a repetitive series of prime numbers up to 113 (a sequence of prime numbers is a first message commonly provided by the theorists of any communication with extraterrestrial intelligence, since mathematics is considered a "universal language" and it is conjectured that the procedures that produce successive prime numbers are sufficiently complicated to require intelligence to perform). The towers will also be cosmic astronomical calendars; capture rays of sun at certain times of the year directing them toward constellations some carved with bas-reliefs. The rays illuminate the passage of the sun at the meridian (south of the place), the dominant symbols of the constellations in the night sky that is visible to the period and the meridian of the place at around 24. Doors of Heaven, at the base of the towers, will give the direction of the constellation positions and above will work from " windows to heaven" for visitors.
Regarding "Enhancement of the underground sites, groundwater resources and points of emergency (sources) and the related cultural facies (Cereris Mundus), particular attention has been paid to a source (Fontana Long) is located east of Cosmic towers. The choice of site, in addition to its intrinsic characteristics and hydrological values, is motivated by the symbolic value which it assumes in the context of the time the park: the rays of the rising sun at the equinox, before crossing the equator is near the door of the Tower, symbolically bathe in the waters of the source. Electricity, water, earth; elementi dal cui abbraccio nasce la vita . Il sito della fonte è strutturato inoltre come se fosse una porta aperta nell’ambiente ipogeo; tale “porta” sembra essere rivolta verso l’esterno nella direzione in cui il Sole sorge al Solstizio d’estate (nord-est): in quel periodo dell’anno i raggi del Sole penetrano nel varco aperto sul mondo sotterraneo per illuminare il Mundus Cereris .
Di particolare interesse è il progetto per la “Valorizzazione del mondo agricolo e della facies culturale connessa (Museo dell’agricoltura e della memoria – Antiche ritualità dionisiache – Rapporti tra astronomia e civiltà agricola : il mondo di Sothis e Demetra - Ritualità stagionali: Tournament of the buffalo, etc..). " For the ancient astronomy was a practical science, a means to determine the moments conducive to agricultural activities or religious rituals, in a time when they did not have an appropriate timetable. In the past, religious parties were usually seasonal and often connected with the solstices and equinoxes. The festivals were celebrations rituals related to agricultural and social life of the community and then there was the need to correlate with the trend of the climatic seasons, the latter closely correlated to those astronomic. In fact agriculture depended closely on the seasonal cycles related to changes in the rate of rainfall, temperature, humidity, and these climatic factors are correlated with the astronomical seasons. In the study area is proposed in particular the realization of a museum (Museum of the agricultural society) within a multi-functional complex, the latter, the center of the Park of the time, qualifies as a "beacon" in the area.
The "Memory Faro (Centre for multifunctional complex and promoting local products and activities) as a place where the size of Space, Time and memory are intertwined in a virtuous way.
Like the oak, which needs to sink more and more roots in the land in order to elevate their branches to the sky, our territory must plunge its roots in the underground river of memory to draw new lines on the horizon of events. It is proposed, therefore, a journey into their own traditions, tracing the paths of ancient rituals in search of the Deus Loci. In this journey in memory of places will open and unfold horizons old, now veiled by time, capable of interacting actively with our historical horizon. This trip will be inevitable in the meeting with the mother of all scientific disciplines: astronomy, the sky and its stars were the fundamental references for primitive sedentary and agricultural civilizations, especially to mark the time of their attività. Riti stagionali, culti, divinità traevano origine dall’interazione di problematiche pratiche (semina, raccolto agricolo, ecc.) con l’osservazione dei cicli naturali (giorno, notte, equinozio, solstizio, lunazione, ecc.) e delle forze naturali alle quali gli umani sembravano assoggettati in modo indecifrabile. In quel mondo lontano molte ritualità si svolgevano nelle vicinanze di corsi d’acqua e fonti ; quest’ultime assumevano un notevole valore simbolico essendo all’interfaccia tra il mondo superficiale e quello ipogeo. Con il tempo le fonti hanno perso questo profondo “rispetto” che gli uomini del passato avevano per questi luoghi e questo viaggio nella memoria ha proprio lo scopo to recover and groped to do so for all elements of the territory. The three towers Cosmic represent the "future" track man by the return from that trip in the past and the voltage across the territory to a future more in tune with natural rhythms and the complex dynamics of the cosmos, the axioms necessary for a serious "development sustainable. "
http: / / / parco.astronomico / index.html
Friday, April 24, 2009
Shoulder Pain More Condition_symptoms Push Ups
Festival organizado por ACIM (Asociación Cultural Italia Medievale)
HORA INICIO: Viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009 a las 18:00
HORA DE FINALIZACIÓN: Tuesday, June 2 from 2009 at 22:00
PLACE: Candelo Ricetto
STREET: Piazza Castello
City: Candelo, Italy
Phone: +393335818048
(In this sense it is possible answer in English)
This year's event tendrá lugar del 29 de mayo al 2 de junio, con la colaboración de ACIM (Associacione Culturale Italia Medievale)
Thanks to the transformation of some cells in botiga medieval Ricetto the viewer will observe closely the work of a surgeon, a clerk or a blacksmith armor as was done for centuries. Undoubtedly, the medieval flavor taste so our palates with the diverse range gastronomic event in fact not only opens with a medieval dinner (reservations required), but also offer visitors the chance to taste and buy typical products (some of ancient origin) of Biella and the Piedmont in the taverns located between the streets. In addition, the restaurants within the walled area will be dinner at candlelight menus inspired by the medieval recipes. For who in turn is a lover of nature and monuments and therefore prefer hiking,
Associazione Turistica Pro Loco with collaborazione del Comune di Candelo
With the sponsorship of:
Comune di Candelo, Regione Piemonte, Provincia di Biella, CCIIAA (nell'ambito the progetto "Andar per Borghi, Ricetti e castelli")
Dircción Artistica:
Comune di Candelo - Ufficio Cultura
Tel. 015 2534118 – fax 015 2534112
Email: ;
Pro Loco di Candelo
Tel. 015 2536728 – fax 015 2538957
Email:; ;
Associazione Culturale Italia Medievale
Te. 02 45329840 - fax: 02 99984796
Email: (Posibilidad de contacto en Español)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
...iron Deficencyblood

A. Tourist Office
B. Ceremony Hall: lectures, watch films on the village, exhibition gallery
C. Cells "Eco-museum of winegrowing"
D. Documentation Center of Piedmont Ricetti
E. House of Prince: exhibition gallery, exhibitions
F. Landscape Museum of Civilization and natural history of winegrowing
G. House of Civilization Winegrowing
H. Toilets (wheelchair accessible)
exposure points in the medieval village of Ricetto
1. GUIDO Antoniotti
collection is built on whistles, bone, stone ..
cellar Opening: Sunday
Tel: 0152562646
E-mail: guido.antoniotti @
painted on stone, wood and canvas and all materials that inspire
Store opening: Sunday
Cell: 3383878402
Plasma wood researching the synthesis, the human being in essence
store opening: daily
Cell: 3478643125
oil paint and acrylic, also on leather and fabric, porcelain and embroidery - Decoupage painting, country painting, American Technical
cellar Opening: Saturday and Sunday
Cell: 3291610162
Woven, Scapin, Finnish paper, furniture store opening
: Saturday and Sunday
Cell: 3356469930
E-mail: @ piera.oddone
6. MARISA Crivellaro
Feltham creating wool hats, bags, accessories and more
Opening cellar: the first Sunday of the month
Cell: 3356819876
E-mail: @ Il_feltro_di_marisa free. it
7. CATHERINE Delbosc
painting on ceramic, porcelain, fabric, furniture and gift store
Open: First Sunday of the month
Cell: 3204292442
8. BRUNO Fabbrini
technology landscape for siscitare emotions and participation
Opening basement and first and third Sunday of the month
Cell: 3409664123
Oil paint, acrylic and pastel
cellar Opening: Sunday
Tel: 01561286
Cell: 3476052963
Exhibition of medieval weapons, and old games
Opening cellar: the first Sunday of the month
Tel: 0152537102
Cell: 330460377
E-mail: @ manizzo
Creating mosaics and paintings with sand
store opening on Saturday and Sunday
Cell: 3314019974
Decoratrice su materiali di vario genere: ceramica, vetro, metallo, stoffa
Apertura cantina: domenica
Cell: 3343007912
Sculture in terracotta, anche su modelli antichi, e terracotte dipinte
Apertura cantina: domenica
Cell: 3336265297
prefers the technique of watercolor, acrylic and mixed media
cellar Opening: Sunday
Cell: 3683378948
Educational programs, workshops for schools and groups, medieval weapons
Opening cellar: the first Sunday of the month
Cell: 3206447280
16. ROBERTA Platinetti
Painter, creating lampshades e bijoux in argento e pietr dure
Apertura cantina: tutti i giorni
Cell: 3290237588
"Saletta dell'Orso", pittore, incisore, ceramista
Apertura cantina: prima domenica del mese
Cell: 3488887722
Acquarello naturalistico, decorazione, bijoux e ghirlande
Apertura cantina: prima domenica del mese
Tel: 0152538838
Cell: 3476886144
Production ceramics with primitive cooking, raku, high temperatures
cellar Opening: Sunday
Cell: 3404795121
19. MARCO Voltana
cellar Opening: Sunday, by appointment
Cell: 3383974265
20. SERGIO VERNA - MARIA Guerrette
Construction of antique instruments, weapons and shields - making clothing and historical fantasy
store opening: daily
Cell: 3493139743
Web: www . / sergioverna
decoration of porcelain and pottery restoration, plaster and stones
store opening: daily
Cell: 3491269726
exhibitions with stained glass owls, animals, landscapes and mirrors
Opening cellar afternoon and Sunday
Cell: 3404851664
23. Anneli Weischer
Personal technique on silk
Cell: 3779125975
Plan within the walls of the Village
Tel: 0152536066
R2. THE PRESS 1763
Cell: 3404213851
Taste and tradition in Ricetto
Sale and tasting (by appointment) of wine products
Open: Saturday and Sunday afternoon
Tel: 0161987520
"Artist" del gusto, valorizza i sapori locali e i prodotti tipici
Tel: 0152538028
Prodotti da forno e sapori locali
Tel: 0152537703
Prodotti dell'alveare, illustrazione vita delle api e loro prodotti
Cell: 3406433634
Espone utensili della pasticceria e cucina biellese
Open by appointment
Tel: 0152536155
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Helter Skelter Drink Chiller Ebay
Friday, March 6, 2009
Free Driving License Template
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Hedera Helix Conference
geoblog WRITE
Monday, March 2, 2009
Myammee's Hair Weaves
** * A church. In order to feel called to unify and riconoscerci figli e fratelli, sentirci tutti a proprio agio.
* Una chiesa ampia per sperimentare la dimensione della grandezza, per sentir vibrare in noi
l’infinito. “Lo spazio sacro è importante perché l’uomo è una creatura spaziale. L’incarnazione di Dio passa anche attraverso questa categoria della nostra esperienza. Il tempio è uno dei luoghi dell’incontro tra l’infinito e l’uomo che è fasciato dallo spazio”. (Ravasi)
* Una chiesa bella, da ammirare per dirci che quello che Dio ha preparato per noi è bello.
* Una chiesa dei secoli scorsi, per ascoltare il messaggio di gioia delle generazioni passate. Ce lo dicono i putti che giocano, having fun, chasing each other, smiling. They tell us the forces of evil shoving off.
* A Baroque church, full of chapels, of marble and colors, of light, like a large table set for supper. A church
light, inviting to watch, enjoy, meditate, understand, enjoy and sparkle. A church school, which offers a profound teaching and full of mystery.
* A large church, that makes us feel really small and great, because it called to the stature of Christ. You are in a church where you do not feel rejected, but it attracted. In a church where you feel overwhelmed, out, annihilated, but melamine.
* A church built by the fathers and brothers of the Society of Jesus, Friends in the Lord, that you have sown traces the path of the Spiritual Exercises. If you associate their way, you can discover the personal call made by Jesus to follow him, imitate him, you disciple, aware of being sent.
* A church home to worship God, to discern, to expand our lives, our thoughts, our hearts. A church that makes me want to sing in a great chorus of grateful children.
* A church restored, restored to splendor, restored to humanity, particularly the citizens of Palermo, for lovers of beauty, to be loved, appreciated, preserved, discovery tool and elevation.
Professed House restored tells us that There are wonders and colors, the weather mask and hides. It 'an invitation to discover, to love what our ancestors have left us, to feel part of a story. So a big thanks goes to the craftsmen who worked on it, with love, interest, passion, ensuring that we rediscover the beauty.
** A church again entrusts to the Society of Jesus' right to thank all those who in many ways have promoted, developed, created the restoration that makes us look at the church with surprise, amazement and admiration.
But we Jesuits not only affects what is architecture and art, books and space, arches and columns, chapels and decorations, statues and frescoes, altar panels and variegated marble, etc.. Jesuits
We do not want so much to be custodians of a temple-museum to be admired, as promoters of humanity and spirituality. For this we turn tourists and visitors joyful men and women into a temple where God lives and works
I said 'we' because we too have a dream.
We dream that every visitor feels to be one of living stones, mentioned by S. Peter. We dream that tourists do not remain so enchanted by the beauty, but to be invested by the desire to be beautiful inside, better and stones, marbles and frescoes.
We dream that this great church to come face the longing to realize the divine that is within us. That la musica spinga a cantare per divenire inno di lode al Dio invisibile resosi visibile.
Noi sogniamo infine che chiunque visiti questa chiesa pensi : se l’uomo è capace di creare cose tanto belle, ascolti il suo cuore, abbia nostalgia e si decida ad essere una realtà grande di animo, luminosa nelle opere…
** responsabile della chiesa
Maxine Cartoons Online
1° domenica di Quaresima
Testo del Vangelo di Marco :
Subito dopo lo Spirito lo sospinse (ekbàllei) energicamente nel deserto e vi rimase quaranta giorni, tentato da satana; stava con le fiere e gli angeli lo servivano. Dopo che Giovanni fu consegnato, Gesù si recò nella Galilea predicando il vangelo di Dio e dicendo: "The time (kairos) is fulfilled (lit. has been filled) and the kingdom of God has come near, repent (literally changed mentality) and believe (literally trust) in the Gospel"
Comments (synthesis of Kairos Community, Lasconi , Curtaz, Pedron, Ronchi ...)
With the baptism Jesus was recognized beloved Son of the Father. The mission can begin, but wait until a period of spiritual struggle, the desert (symbol, in the Old Testament, a place of struggle, poverty, discrimination, trial, where Israel has experienced loneliness, abandonment, hope, grace, and gossip dispute. Desert where God called confidence, demonstrating merit).
Mark states that "immediately" Jesus is driven out (the same word used for demons), thrown into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit! Jesus exceed what the Israelites did not pass, face to face with Satan, the adversary, the enemy, the face right there in the desert. Marco does not talk about three "tests" but of a time when the temptation
lives with Jesus Christ, holy, has placed among the sinners, indicating the deep sympathy with the man, shares his creature. Outcrop in the desert idols, fear, weakness, need of salvation. Jesus points the way; in the wilderness, went over the whole life of man: evil, sin, weakness, despondency. Through evil, not abolished, but transforming it. Overcome the temptation, the fair is to attack him and the angels are. The desert is no more fear, creation is reconciled, God is near and the angels are in the service of man.
Jesus can begin its mission and make a nice joyful news! The time we lived no longer Kronos (time empty and meaningless without perspective) is now kairos, that time of grace and mercy, because it is "filled" the presence of God with us. Do you have hitherto thought to be abandoned, alone, vulnerable, ignored by God NO! Then go back, retrace your steps and thoughts, come back to the time when he trusted in God Hence the call to metanoia, a change of scenery. Salvation is free, but it takes active. The new horizon in which to move is the Gospel, the words and actions that Jesus fulfilled. Rely on this word, the Word, and we cross the desert, having as a companion who has been through the desert, keeping the listening heart of the Father.
Repent! It is imperative, because it bears an invitation, leads a prayer. Change road is not a call to obey, but offer an opportunity. And 'as if Jesus says, tells you the way to the sources, from here the sky is closer, this side is the house of peace, and God's face is bright, and the man a friend. Converted, it sounds like an order. You have before you life and not lose it. Trust is good news. Do not trust the strength, intelligence, money.
And then will I make my own the words of John: We, the men of Christ, we believe the love.
"In the wilderness a man knows what it's worth" (Saint-Exupéry), knows how valuable that is, his ideals. Jesus in the desert will make choices: what aspect of God proclaim? God is not a master, but to serve and crucified.
Jesus said, the wait is over, a new world is possible, the new plan of God is here, be converted.
Repent: this is not a ripulitina, a tap brush, but a careful X-ray.
believe in the Gospel: it refers to the book (which does not exist!) And even the words of Jesus (they were not being told) but the relationship with God We tend to believe in us and our experiences. To God we are used to ask to carry out our plans, to help us to worship other gods (money, health, career, family-glia, etc.). Repent, change. Let's take a careful look at ourselves, let the X-ray: what are we to do? for what we worry? for what we fill our days? what are we living?
With Jesus in the wilderness 40 giorni per verificare la rotta della vita e riprogrammare il cammino dietro a Lui. Convertitevi : condividete la scelta di Gesù. Con promesse battesimali il cristiano si impegna a respingere le tentazioni del benessere, del successo, del dominio. Non una piccola serie di propositi piccoli piccoli. Non si tratta di un'aggiustatina. Ma un ri-orientamento deciso. Verso dove? Basta chiederci : che cosa mi manca?, che cosa mi preoccupa?, per che cosa mi agito?, che cosa riempie la mia vita? Scopriremo così i nostri idoli: i soldi, il benessere, l’immagine, la carriera, il potere, insomma il nostro io possessivo, rampante, aggressivo.
Dove, come ? Nel deserto per ascoltare, scoprire il silenzio e la calma, semplificarci a hierarchy and give meaning to our commitments. Sated in the desert and to enjoy the Word of God Desert to (re) choose Jesus This world of ours escape the desert, afraid of loneliness, do not know that there is a desert full of God's Spirit leads us into the desert, when our life of believers creaks. Why do we have trouble making a good pickup? Eg. when a couple in crisis, we go by your lawyer or psychologist. Why not get back before God?
attempted. Marco does not mention the content of temptations, but shows the contexts in which we can glimpse the Tempter opera: behind the crowd, the disciples, Peter. It aims to be seduced by the lure of easy success and the flattering expectations environment. Peter invites you to travel the road to a spectacular messianism. Jesus went to Jerusalem, not to seize power, but to die on the cross. Peter was opposed, but Jesus says, "Get thee behind me, Satan!". The temptation becomes an opportunity to confirm your choice with the baptism in the Jordan, messianism based on the service and dedication.
The Church has always said three words: prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Prayer. To find ourselves with God, recognize the presence and action, find everyday spaces of the desert. The instruments? Mass., turn off the phone, open the Bible to try to read the Gospel of beautiful passages, reflection. Ten minutes calmly, take a position that aids concentration, unplug the phone. Read slowly, savoring, leaving off at heart, no hurry.
Fasting. Cut, reduce, simplify. And find out that my selfishness does not feed me.
Warning! fasting say 'no', but to say "yes." Less television to visit the old lady upstairs. Less cigarettes for a walk with my wife. Less computer to assist parents in household chores. Less play-station to listen to his grandfather. Sweetness and whims to help the poor. Less gossip to try to look at others as they see God Turn off the TV to play with my son, give up the Thread to help a poor, fasting from gossip to look at others with the eyes of God
Alms. faith must also change hands. Do not give just one euro to the poor, the washer, or forward to what is deprived of something to give. It may accompany a neighbor to do the shopping, visiting an elderly sick, call the aunt who always feels lonely. A prayer
mercy on me, Lord Jesus, seduced by the easy and superficial, the immediate results; mercy on me, seduced by the cult of my image, by appearances.
pity for those times that I idolized, with the illusion of being at the top and look better, presume to know, to discern, to judge wisely and properly serve others.
mercy on me when in the name of self-esteem, the need for identity I carried out my plans for the attainment of power.
Pity of my dreams full of glory.
A beautiful exhortation Averardo DINI
where past, leave footprints, those of Christ. Others feel the fragrance of Christ.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Stiff Neck Hard To Swallow
was reopened 02/24/2009 The Church of Jesus House, professed with the Mass of our Archbishop of Palermo, Archbishop Paolo Romeo. There were some civilian and military authorities (Prefect, Regional Councillor for Cultural Heritage, supervisor, etc..) And i Gesuiti, compreso il Vice Provinciale dell'Italia Centro-Sud, P. Claudio Barretta. Moltissimi i presenti ! Ha cantato il coro della scuola Media del CEI
Al termine è stato possibile ammirare un 'assaggio' del futuro Museo : alcuni paliotti del '600.
Con amarezza dobbiamo ammettere che l'amplificazione è stata scadente.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Lupus More Condition_symptoms: September 2009
Visitors will cross the Tower-gate e si addentreranno all’interno delle mura si ritroveranno infatti proiettati come d’incanto nel XIV secolo. Nelle antiche rue oltre 200 figuranti daranno vita a scene di vita quotidiana, ricostruendo fedelmente azioni, suoni, rumori dell’epoca. Giocolieri e saltimbanchi, trampolieri e imbonitori, musici e giullari, danzatori e trovatori, buffoni e giocolieri, animeranno le strade con parate, concerti, “bagordi e stravaganze” per divertire e stupire i visitatori durante tutte le giornate della manifestazione. Tra dame e cavalieri, militi e popolani, pellegrini e religiosi, arcieri e balestrieri, falconieri e ronde armate, il pubblico sarà letteralmente trasportato nel 1374 quando la comunità candelese made spontaneous act of devotion to the Savoy.

Not only by transforming some cells of the medieval shops Recipes in perfect working order, you can closely observe the work of a surgeon, a scribe or a usbergario well as they did centuries ago. The visual impact will complement the wine and food: not only because the event will open with a medieval-style dinner (by reservation), but will also offer visitors the chance to taste and buy local products (some with ancient origins) in Biella and the Piedmont taverns scattered in the streets, and restaurants within walls, you can dine by candlelight with a menu inspired by the medieval recipes. For those who were looking for hiking the Pro Loco of Candelo offers visitors guided walking tours in the surroundings. Do not miss the tour to several historic homes in the province of Biella (Visiting the villages included in the project awarded in 2005 by Medieval Italy) where you can be housed in elegant bed & breakfast.
Flavours of the Middle Ages is a project of: Tourist Association Pro Loco collaboration with the Municipality of Candelo
With patrocinio di : Comune di Candelo, Regione Piemonte, Provincia di Biella, CCIIAA (nell'ambito del progetto"Andar per borghi, ricetti e castelli")
Direzione Artistica : Associazione Culturale Italia Medievale in collaborazione con la Corporazione Arcieri Storici Medievali
Con la partecipazione di:
- Sestiere Castellare di Pescia ( )
- Compagnia Flos et Leo ( )
- Compagnia Bianca ( )
- Arcieri della Savoia Antica ( / asa / default.htm )
- feudalism ( )
- Gilda Black Lotus ( )
- Order of the Basilisk ( www.ordinedelbasilisco . com )
- Ordo Temporis ( )
- The Gatteschi ( )
- Arcum Adduce ( )
- The World in Ali ( )
- Folet of the Marga ( )
- Ensemble Galinverna ( )
- Company of Charlatans ( )
- Knights Errant
- The Dardo ( )
- The Dolcinians
- Arcatores-Hostunium
City of Candelo - Cultural Office
Tel 015 2534118 - fax 015 2534112
Email: cultura.candelo @ ptb.provin
Pro Loco di Candelo
Tel 015 2536728 - fax 015 2538957
Email: ;
Web: www.prolococandelo.
Associazione Culturale Italia Medievale
Tel. 02 45329840 - fax: 02 99984796
Cell. 333 5818048
Web: www.italiamedievale
Alessandro Luigi Perna
Cultura, Giornalismo & Fotografia
Tel. 0039/02/2046240
Cell. 0039/338/5953881
E-mail: .