Professed House reopens
** * A church. In order to feel called to unify and riconoscerci figli e fratelli, sentirci tutti a proprio agio.
* Una chiesa ampia per sperimentare la dimensione della grandezza, per sentir vibrare in noi
l’infinito. “Lo spazio sacro è importante perché l’uomo è una creatura spaziale. L’incarnazione di Dio passa anche attraverso questa categoria della nostra esperienza. Il tempio è uno dei luoghi dell’incontro tra l’infinito e l’uomo che è fasciato dallo spazio”. (Ravasi)
* Una chiesa bella, da ammirare per dirci che quello che Dio ha preparato per noi è bello.
* Una chiesa dei secoli scorsi, per ascoltare il messaggio di gioia delle generazioni passate. Ce lo dicono i putti che giocano, having fun, chasing each other, smiling. They tell us the forces of evil shoving off.
* A Baroque church, full of chapels, of marble and colors, of light, like a large table set for supper. A church
light, inviting to watch, enjoy, meditate, understand, enjoy and sparkle. A church school, which offers a profound teaching and full of mystery.
* A large church, that makes us feel really small and great, because it called to the stature of Christ. You are in a church where you do not feel rejected, but it attracted. In a church where you feel overwhelmed, out, annihilated, but melamine.
* A church built by the fathers and brothers of the Society of Jesus, Friends in the Lord, that you have sown traces the path of the Spiritual Exercises. If you associate their way, you can discover the personal call made by Jesus to follow him, imitate him, you disciple, aware of being sent.
* A church home to worship God, to discern, to expand our lives, our thoughts, our hearts. A church that makes me want to sing in a great chorus of grateful children.
* A church restored, restored to splendor, restored to humanity, particularly the citizens of Palermo, for lovers of beauty, to be loved, appreciated, preserved, discovery tool and elevation.
Professed House restored tells us that There are wonders and colors, the weather mask and hides. It 'an invitation to discover, to love what our ancestors have left us, to feel part of a story. So a big thanks goes to the craftsmen who worked on it, with love, interest, passion, ensuring that we rediscover the beauty.
** A church again entrusts to the Society of Jesus' right to thank all those who in many ways have promoted, developed, created the restoration that makes us look at the church with surprise, amazement and admiration.
But we Jesuits not only affects what is architecture and art, books and space, arches and columns, chapels and decorations, statues and frescoes, altar panels and variegated marble, etc.. Jesuits
We do not want so much to be custodians of a temple-museum to be admired, as promoters of humanity and spirituality. For this we turn tourists and visitors joyful men and women into a temple where God lives and works
I said 'we' because we too have a dream.
We dream that every visitor feels to be one of living stones, mentioned by S. Peter. We dream that tourists do not remain so enchanted by the beauty, but to be invested by the desire to be beautiful inside, better and stones, marbles and frescoes.
We dream that this great church to come face the longing to realize the divine that is within us. That la musica spinga a cantare per divenire inno di lode al Dio invisibile resosi visibile.
Noi sogniamo infine che chiunque visiti questa chiesa pensi : se l’uomo è capace di creare cose tanto belle, ascolti il suo cuore, abbia nostalgia e si decida ad essere una realtà grande di animo, luminosa nelle opere…
** responsabile della chiesa
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