Verranno introdotti nella città di Torrice (Fr) alcuni elementi del sistema “ Parchi Europei del Tempo ”, elementi che potranno essere sviluppati e integrati nel tempo. I Parchi Europei del Tempo vogliono essere una rete europea di parchi in cui il tema principale risulti il “tempo” nei suoi svariati aspetti, dal suo significato etimologico al concetto di storia, memoria collettiva , ecc.
Verranno introdotti nella città di Torrice (Fr) alcuni elementi del sistema “ Parchi Europei del Tempo ”, elementi che potranno essere sviluppati e integrati nel tempo. I Parchi Europei del Tempo vogliono essere una rete europea di parchi in cui il tema principale risulti il “tempo” nei suoi svariati aspetti, dal suo significato etimologico al concetto di storia, memoria collettiva , ecc.
Per il sito in oggetto si propone :
A) un percorso didattico-scientifico integrabile e sviluppabile nel tempo, anche in connessione con altri siti europei, avente come tema “ La misura del tempo nella storia dell’uomo ”;
B) la realizzazione di opere ed interventi di recupero finalizzati alla “Valorizzazione degli ambienti ipogei, delle risorse idriche sotterranee e dei punti di emergenza (fonti) e della facies culturale connessa ( Mundus Cereris )”;
C) la realizzazione di opere ed interventi di recupero finalizzati alla “Valorizzazione del mondo agricolo e della facies culturale connessa (Museo dell’agricoltura e della memoria – Antiche ritualità dionisiache – Rapporti tra astronomia e civiltà agricola : il mondo di Sothis e Demetra - Ritualità stagionali : la Giostra della Bufala, ecc.)”.
Fulcro del Park of the system time will be at the Memorial Faro (Centre for multifunctional complex and promoting local products and activities).
On the topic of "Measurement of time in human history" is proposed, in particular, to make sundials (Meridian), dials and astronomical alignments in stone or marble slab, antique astronomical instruments that men, since the Neolithic used to mark time. In this area of \u200b\u200bconsiderable interest is the complex astronomical "Cosmic Towers."
The three towers represent the tension of the territory to a future more in tune with the natural rhythms and dynamics complex of the cosmos, the axioms necessary for a serious "sustainable development". They will bring the light of our star (The Sun) and at sunset when the sky reveals the secrets of the universe emit electromagnetic signals to the point where the axis of the world pierced the sky (Polaris). The solar energy flow through the towers will become vital signs to the cosmos. These signals represent a symbolic attempt to send a message to other worlds using the language of mathematics: a repetitive series of prime numbers up to 113 (a sequence of prime numbers is a first message commonly provided by the theorists of any communication with extraterrestrial intelligence, since mathematics is considered a "universal language" and it is conjectured that the procedures that produce successive prime numbers are sufficiently complicated to require intelligence to perform). The towers will also be cosmic astronomical calendars; capture rays of sun at certain times of the year directing them toward constellations some carved with bas-reliefs. The rays illuminate the passage of the sun at the meridian (south of the place), the dominant symbols of the constellations in the night sky that is visible to the period and the meridian of the place at around 24. Doors of Heaven, at the base of the towers, will give the direction of the constellation positions and above will work from " windows to heaven" for visitors.
Regarding "Enhancement of the underground sites, groundwater resources and points of emergency (sources) and the related cultural facies (Cereris Mundus), particular attention has been paid to a source (Fontana Long) is located east of Cosmic towers. The choice of site, in addition to its intrinsic characteristics and hydrological values, is motivated by the symbolic value which it assumes in the context of the time the park: the rays of the rising sun at the equinox, before crossing the equator is near the door of the Tower, symbolically bathe in the waters of the source. Electricity, water, earth; elementi dal cui abbraccio nasce la vita . Il sito della fonte è strutturato inoltre come se fosse una porta aperta nell’ambiente ipogeo; tale “porta” sembra essere rivolta verso l’esterno nella direzione in cui il Sole sorge al Solstizio d’estate (nord-est): in quel periodo dell’anno i raggi del Sole penetrano nel varco aperto sul mondo sotterraneo per illuminare il Mundus Cereris .
Di particolare interesse è il progetto per la “Valorizzazione del mondo agricolo e della facies culturale connessa (Museo dell’agricoltura e della memoria – Antiche ritualità dionisiache – Rapporti tra astronomia e civiltà agricola : il mondo di Sothis e Demetra - Ritualità stagionali: Tournament of the buffalo, etc..). " For the ancient astronomy was a practical science, a means to determine the moments conducive to agricultural activities or religious rituals, in a time when they did not have an appropriate timetable. In the past, religious parties were usually seasonal and often connected with the solstices and equinoxes. The festivals were celebrations rituals related to agricultural and social life of the community and then there was the need to correlate with the trend of the climatic seasons, the latter closely correlated to those astronomic. In fact agriculture depended closely on the seasonal cycles related to changes in the rate of rainfall, temperature, humidity, and these climatic factors are correlated with the astronomical seasons. In the study area is proposed in particular the realization of a museum (Museum of the agricultural society) within a multi-functional complex, the latter, the center of the Park of the time, qualifies as a "beacon" in the area.
The "Memory Faro (Centre for multifunctional complex and promoting local products and activities) as a place where the size of Space, Time and memory are intertwined in a virtuous way.
Like the oak, which needs to sink more and more roots in the land in order to elevate their branches to the sky, our territory must plunge its roots in the underground river of memory to draw new lines on the horizon of events. It is proposed, therefore, a journey into their own traditions, tracing the paths of ancient rituals in search of the Deus Loci. In this journey in memory of places will open and unfold horizons old, now veiled by time, capable of interacting actively with our historical horizon. This trip will be inevitable in the meeting with the mother of all scientific disciplines: astronomy, the sky and its stars were the fundamental references for primitive sedentary and agricultural civilizations, especially to mark the time of their attività. Riti stagionali, culti, divinità traevano origine dall’interazione di problematiche pratiche (semina, raccolto agricolo, ecc.) con l’osservazione dei cicli naturali (giorno, notte, equinozio, solstizio, lunazione, ecc.) e delle forze naturali alle quali gli umani sembravano assoggettati in modo indecifrabile. In quel mondo lontano molte ritualità si svolgevano nelle vicinanze di corsi d’acqua e fonti ; quest’ultime assumevano un notevole valore simbolico essendo all’interfaccia tra il mondo superficiale e quello ipogeo. Con il tempo le fonti hanno perso questo profondo “rispetto” che gli uomini del passato avevano per questi luoghi e questo viaggio nella memoria ha proprio lo scopo to recover and groped to do so for all elements of the territory. The three towers Cosmic represent the "future" track man by the return from that trip in the past and the voltage across the territory to a future more in tune with natural rhythms and the complex dynamics of the cosmos, the axioms necessary for a serious "development sustainable. "
A) un percorso didattico-scientifico integrabile e sviluppabile nel tempo, anche in connessione con altri siti europei, avente come tema “ La misura del tempo nella storia dell’uomo ”;
B) la realizzazione di opere ed interventi di recupero finalizzati alla “Valorizzazione degli ambienti ipogei, delle risorse idriche sotterranee e dei punti di emergenza (fonti) e della facies culturale connessa ( Mundus Cereris )”;
C) la realizzazione di opere ed interventi di recupero finalizzati alla “Valorizzazione del mondo agricolo e della facies culturale connessa (Museo dell’agricoltura e della memoria – Antiche ritualità dionisiache – Rapporti tra astronomia e civiltà agricola : il mondo di Sothis e Demetra - Ritualità stagionali : la Giostra della Bufala, ecc.)”.
Fulcro del Park of the system time will be at the Memorial Faro (Centre for multifunctional complex and promoting local products and activities).
On the topic of "Measurement of time in human history" is proposed, in particular, to make sundials (Meridian), dials and astronomical alignments in stone or marble slab, antique astronomical instruments that men, since the Neolithic used to mark time. In this area of \u200b\u200bconsiderable interest is the complex astronomical "Cosmic Towers."
The three towers represent the tension of the territory to a future more in tune with the natural rhythms and dynamics complex of the cosmos, the axioms necessary for a serious "sustainable development". They will bring the light of our star (The Sun) and at sunset when the sky reveals the secrets of the universe emit electromagnetic signals to the point where the axis of the world pierced the sky (Polaris). The solar energy flow through the towers will become vital signs to the cosmos. These signals represent a symbolic attempt to send a message to other worlds using the language of mathematics: a repetitive series of prime numbers up to 113 (a sequence of prime numbers is a first message commonly provided by the theorists of any communication with extraterrestrial intelligence, since mathematics is considered a "universal language" and it is conjectured that the procedures that produce successive prime numbers are sufficiently complicated to require intelligence to perform). The towers will also be cosmic astronomical calendars; capture rays of sun at certain times of the year directing them toward constellations some carved with bas-reliefs. The rays illuminate the passage of the sun at the meridian (south of the place), the dominant symbols of the constellations in the night sky that is visible to the period and the meridian of the place at around 24. Doors of Heaven, at the base of the towers, will give the direction of the constellation positions and above will work from " windows to heaven" for visitors.
Regarding "Enhancement of the underground sites, groundwater resources and points of emergency (sources) and the related cultural facies (Cereris Mundus), particular attention has been paid to a source (Fontana Long) is located east of Cosmic towers. The choice of site, in addition to its intrinsic characteristics and hydrological values, is motivated by the symbolic value which it assumes in the context of the time the park: the rays of the rising sun at the equinox, before crossing the equator is near the door of the Tower, symbolically bathe in the waters of the source. Electricity, water, earth; elementi dal cui abbraccio nasce la vita . Il sito della fonte è strutturato inoltre come se fosse una porta aperta nell’ambiente ipogeo; tale “porta” sembra essere rivolta verso l’esterno nella direzione in cui il Sole sorge al Solstizio d’estate (nord-est): in quel periodo dell’anno i raggi del Sole penetrano nel varco aperto sul mondo sotterraneo per illuminare il Mundus Cereris .
Di particolare interesse è il progetto per la “Valorizzazione del mondo agricolo e della facies culturale connessa (Museo dell’agricoltura e della memoria – Antiche ritualità dionisiache – Rapporti tra astronomia e civiltà agricola : il mondo di Sothis e Demetra - Ritualità stagionali: Tournament of the buffalo, etc..). " For the ancient astronomy was a practical science, a means to determine the moments conducive to agricultural activities or religious rituals, in a time when they did not have an appropriate timetable. In the past, religious parties were usually seasonal and often connected with the solstices and equinoxes. The festivals were celebrations rituals related to agricultural and social life of the community and then there was the need to correlate with the trend of the climatic seasons, the latter closely correlated to those astronomic. In fact agriculture depended closely on the seasonal cycles related to changes in the rate of rainfall, temperature, humidity, and these climatic factors are correlated with the astronomical seasons. In the study area is proposed in particular the realization of a museum (Museum of the agricultural society) within a multi-functional complex, the latter, the center of the Park of the time, qualifies as a "beacon" in the area.
The "Memory Faro (Centre for multifunctional complex and promoting local products and activities) as a place where the size of Space, Time and memory are intertwined in a virtuous way.
Like the oak, which needs to sink more and more roots in the land in order to elevate their branches to the sky, our territory must plunge its roots in the underground river of memory to draw new lines on the horizon of events. It is proposed, therefore, a journey into their own traditions, tracing the paths of ancient rituals in search of the Deus Loci. In this journey in memory of places will open and unfold horizons old, now veiled by time, capable of interacting actively with our historical horizon. This trip will be inevitable in the meeting with the mother of all scientific disciplines: astronomy, the sky and its stars were the fundamental references for primitive sedentary and agricultural civilizations, especially to mark the time of their attività. Riti stagionali, culti, divinità traevano origine dall’interazione di problematiche pratiche (semina, raccolto agricolo, ecc.) con l’osservazione dei cicli naturali (giorno, notte, equinozio, solstizio, lunazione, ecc.) e delle forze naturali alle quali gli umani sembravano assoggettati in modo indecifrabile. In quel mondo lontano molte ritualità si svolgevano nelle vicinanze di corsi d’acqua e fonti ; quest’ultime assumevano un notevole valore simbolico essendo all’interfaccia tra il mondo superficiale e quello ipogeo. Con il tempo le fonti hanno perso questo profondo “rispetto” che gli uomini del passato avevano per questi luoghi e questo viaggio nella memoria ha proprio lo scopo to recover and groped to do so for all elements of the territory. The three towers Cosmic represent the "future" track man by the return from that trip in the past and the voltage across the territory to a future more in tune with natural rhythms and the complex dynamics of the cosmos, the axioms necessary for a serious "development sustainable. "
http: / / www.webalice.it / parco.astronomico / index.html
http: / / www.webalice.it / parco.astronomico / index.html
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