Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tramadolfrontline Flea

Please, call upon the author to explain!

In buona sostanza...

Giornate intere fra i banchi di scuola, ad inzaccherare cattedre con terra e acqua (variopinta e sporca), per scoprire cosa pensano Children of substances. And here is the first non-official classification according to the youngest of Primary Schools.

Substances usually good water and a few others. The good substances can be taken anytime, even without asking for permission for an adult.

foreign substances These substances produced in some special experiments, that will change color if requested by contact with other substances (natural or strange ).

natural substances are substances produced by nature clearly. In this category, do not you go over the cabbage juice and makes a fine show the earth. But excludes petroleum and natural gas, as part of pollutants.

Substances dirty tricks name. It is in fact the category of substances that dirty, but being able to accurately classify a substance dirty is extremely difficult, because it depends on what happens during the experiment. Only the iodine has a permanent place in this category.

Pollutants does not matter if the pollution is ultimately blame that man makes use of certain substances ... Oil and smoke are polluting matter, in this classification istintiva e altamente empirica.

Sostanze semplici Sono quelle che hanno un nome facilmente memorizzabile e un colore non troppo aggressivo. Unite fra loro, danno vita a svariati fenomeni e in alcuni casi a sostanze composte . Acqua, cloruro di sodio (ma anche altri sali meno "casalinghi"), zucchero, olio e aceto sono semplici , in principio... Con un po' di calma e sangue freddo (altra sostanza apparentemente semplice ), la categoria subisce continue trasformazioni (chimiche) ad ogni laboratorio, fino ad assumere una classificazione più confacente alle regole IUPAC.

Sostanze composte Bolle, new colors and other chemical phenomena (more or less known) report the production of compound substances. In the long dibattutto, milk is the first substance apparently simple to return (though wrongly) in this category. Then it is followed, more correctly, the same substances that were previously simple ( water, salt, sugar, etc.)..

Solutions Merge two or more substances and he sees only one (usually strange, dirty or pollutant).

Mixes Merge two or more substances and there are two or more substances. In the more fortunate ... To be sure, the mixtures can be separated after asking closest to the Hospital a sheet of A3 paper filter.

to be continued ...

behold, what do you think Aurora, 10, of Roseto degli Abruzzi. Or at least that is what he understood from the laboratories of Maghimatici:
substances, in general, are made of different chemical elements. The various combinations are many things out: salts, bases, acids, and more.
salts are the simple dining kitchen, which is sodium chloride, copper sulphate, sodium bicarbonate and many others. The bases are those with pH greater than 7, such as caustic soda, acids have pH less than 7 instead, such as nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, che sono acidi molto forti. Invece, l'acido borico, o acetico, sono deboli. Le sostanze con pH pari a 7 sono neutre, tipo l'acqua. Le sostanze acide o basiche concentrate sono molto corrosive e pericolose.

Possiamo ritenerci soddisfatti.


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