Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lupus More Condition_symptoms: September 2009

Flavours of the Middle Ages to Ricetto (BI)

Back from May 29 to June 2, 2009 in the historic setting of Ricetto (BI), a member of "Club One hundred most beautiful villages in Italy, Orange Flag Touring, the film set of Rai and Mediaset and" The Black Arrow "and numerous television programs, the biennial Flavours of the Middle Ages made collaboration with Italy and the Medieval Corporation Archers Medieval History . At its fifth edition, Taste of the Middle Ages again offers visitors the chance to relive the atmosphere and charm of a village inhabited in the Middle Ages through a rigorous historical reconstruction.
Visitors will cross the Tower-gate e si addentreranno all’interno delle mura si ritroveranno infatti proiettati come d’incanto nel XIV secolo. Nelle antiche rue oltre 200 figuranti daranno vita a scene di vita quotidiana, ricostruendo fedelmente azioni, suoni, rumori dell’epoca. Giocolieri e saltimbanchi, trampolieri e imbonitori, musici e giullari, danzatori e trovatori, buffoni e giocolieri, animeranno le strade con parate, concerti, “bagordi e stravaganze” per divertire e stupire i visitatori durante tutte le giornate della manifestazione. Tra dame e cavalieri, militi e popolani, pellegrini e religiosi, arcieri e balestrieri, falconieri e ronde armate, il pubblico sarà letteralmente trasportato nel 1374 quando la comunità candelese made spontaneous act of devotion to the Savoy.
Not only by transforming some cells of the medieval shops Recipes in perfect working order, you can closely observe the work of a surgeon, a scribe or a usbergario well as they did centuries ago. The visual impact will complement the wine and food: not only because the event will open with a medieval-style dinner (by reservation), but will also offer visitors the chance to taste and buy local products (some with ancient origins) in Biella and the Piedmont taverns scattered in the streets, and restaurants within walls, you can dine by candlelight with a menu inspired by the medieval recipes. For those who were looking for hiking the Pro Loco of Candelo offers visitors guided walking tours in the surroundings. Do not miss the tour to several historic homes in the province of Biella (Visiting the villages included in the project awarded in 2005 by Medieval Italy) where you can be housed in elegant bed & breakfast.

Flavours of the Middle Ages is a project of:
Tourist Association Pro Loco collaboration with the Municipality of Candelo

With patrocinio di : Comune di Candelo, Regione Piemonte, Provincia di Biella, CCIIAA (nell'ambito del progetto"Andar per borghi, ricetti e castelli")
Direzione Artistica : Associazione Culturale Italia Medievale in collaborazione con la Corporazione Arcieri Storici Medievali

Con la partecipazione di:

- Sestiere Castellare di Pescia ( )
- Compagnia Flos et Leo ( )
- Compagnia Bianca ( )
- Arcieri della Savoia Antica ( / asa / default.htm )
- feudalism ( )
- Gilda Black Lotus ( )
- Order of the Basilisk ( www.ordinedelbasilisco . com )
- Ordo Temporis ( )
- The Gatteschi ( )
- Arcum Adduce ( )
- The World in Ali ( )
- Folet of the Marga ( )
- Ensemble Galinverna ( )
- Company of Charlatans ( )
- Knights Errant
- The Dardo ( )
- The Dolcinians
- Arcatores-Hostunium

City of Candelo - Cultural Office
Tel 015 2534118 - fax 015 2534112
Email: cultura.candelo @ ptb.provin
Web: www . comune.candelo. ;
Pro Loco di Candelo
Tel 015 2536728 - fax 015 2538957
Email: ;
Web: www.prolococandelo. it ;
Associazione Culturale Italia Medievale
Tel. 02 45329840 - fax: 02 99984796
Cell. 333 5818048
Web: www.italiamedievale .org

Alessandro Luigi Perna
Cultura, Giornalismo & Fotografia
Tel. 0039/02/2046240
Cell. 0039/338/5953881
E-mail: .