(Still) Buying Records / 15
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Richard Christian Hunting Article
Carnival of Physics # 17 - Theme
Ancora sotto l'effetto psichedelico dell'oscurità
e della luce del Carnevale #16 ,
direttamente su Questione della decisione ,
i Maghimatici raccolgono il testimone
per traghettare chiunque vorrà
condividere la propria conoscenza fisica,
e non solo,
verso le sorgenti di un secolo di scienza e tecnologia.
Il 30 marzo 2011 , sul blog dei Maghimatici ,
si svolgerà il Carnevale della Fisica #17 che,
nonostante the number,
nothing will have to do with superstition and luck.
Imagine lifting from the Duomo in Milan,
to embrace with a look
throughout the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bMilan.
Well, if Milan is the atom,
Piazza Duomo is the core ,
ten thousand times smaller.
Still, it's great in its effect on human history.
all began in 1911 when a mustachioed professor and New Zealand ...
While you do is try out
the theme of the Carnival of Physics # 17.
From the distant past to current events,
from scientific research to the economy,
from politics to love.
In every thing there is a Nucleus.
We welcome your contributions to be reported
Facebook Unblcoker][img]
Please, call upon the author to explain! FYI Business
light and darkness. Free theme.
and 2011. Not the past. It is the present practice of hospitals where there is no test and analysis of the fetuses, which are necessary to determine the presence of significant failures, because the hospital is not equipped. And why is not equipped? Why not practice in the Hospital any abortion, even terapuetico, and then the Hospital comes after a detecnologizzante, so the ecorgafo is 20 years ago, and if you want to know more about the fetus, you should move at least 50-80 km . If not more. It is the present of "sightings" of bright toys mistaken for extraterrestrial intelligence. Is this a secular state where you can not die nor live according to their conscience or that of your family. This is where human intervention is traded on the plants, a priori, for genetic immorality, or where cars are more in oil (!).
What is science? What science? Beyond the universal definitions and philosophical, we can not hope that in today's society, the science is clear. Too many economic sectors (and also political) depend on the science and its applications, as well as determine the scientific research. But, surely, something science gives man no matter what: choices. Usually, they are hard choices that no one would afforntare during his life, but that, ultimately, life drawing. Knowing what to expect, scientifically, it helps to decide, but that the final decision whether to undertake a road or not. The sincere scientific opportunities never says "so", rather always remember that "doing so" will increase or decrease the likelihood of having an effect.
Yet, while the "normal" people is more reliable than usual for the impossible to the improbable (or likely, the real focus of scientific research in any field), end-users science, such as doctors, biologists, engineers, physicists, etc.. prefer to propose theorems are established in a confined environment (such as a hospital vaguely obscurantist, or any multinational energy), rather than presenting the range of scientific choices.
light and darkness. Free theme.
and 2011. It is not the future. It is the present, the topicality. Current science. What about stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood for treatment of rare diseases in children, the LHC, that of the orbiting telescope Kepler and the search for extrasolar planets similar to Earth, that of silicon nanotubes for hydrogen-powered transport , the genetic engineering that allows you to have paper or biomass without destroying the forests.

Yet, while the "normal" people is more reliable than usual for the impossible to the improbable (or likely, the real focus of scientific research in any field), end-users science, such as doctors, biologists, engineers, physicists, etc.. prefer to propose theorems are established in a confined environment (such as a hospital vaguely obscurantist, or any multinational energy), rather than presenting the range of scientific choices.
You story every day, but it's strange is immersed in one of these stories, and it is quite frustrating to see how evaluations counter to freedom of choice rather have a disruptive effect and convincing in the "ordinary" people. It is strange to be science communicators, open to any eventuality and possibility, and find themselves in front of a religious and legal constraints that have nothing to do with the intellectual evolution of man. It's strange but true. It happened. It happens. And, unfortunately, will continue to happen.
... More Condition_symptoms Shin Pain
scientific laboratories Children - March 2011 Pineto, Mutignano
Put on the agenda the appointment!
Pineto Boys and girls, and Mutignano Atri,
ready to fall ...? Having defied the bizarre riddles
of the King, from Wednesday, March 9, 2011
back experiments Maghimatici of scientific laboratories.
able to stay in balance?
You will have the courage to make some real
What all this has to do with science ...?
You'll find out just getting Physical phenomenal!
Put on the agenda the appointment!
All Tuesday to PINETO - Villa Keen, Via De Li
10:17 Thursday March
Tuesday 22 and March 29.
15:00 to 16:00 - 6 / 11 years / 16:30 to 17:30 - 12/16 years
15:00 to 16:00 - 6 / 11 years / 16:30 to 17:30 - 12/16 years
All Wednesday in Mutignano - Auditorium
Wednesday 9, 16, 23 and 30 March
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - 6 / 12 years
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - 6 / 12 years
information, costs and programs
3294613169 maghimatici@gmail.com
3294613169 maghimatici@gmail.com
Anxiety Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Please, call upon the author to explain!
is the ghost of curiosity, the bogeyman of knowledge, the pleasure of the grotesque phenomenon in natural colors. It is the science of Maghimatici, in fact. The one with the "s" tiny, if you will, but still "science". Just have 11 years of age to remain the fascination of the perverse "things that happen." 18 just have to not believe his eyes. Double helices of metal and plastic toys, potatoes that are miraculously standing, gas and liquids that are relentlessly pursue ... All classes of the School of Media Guardiagrele in the province of Chieti, were visited by the spectral Maghimatici, who first infested il Laboratorio di Scienze della Scuola Media e poi varcato la soglia delle Scuole Superiori, nel regno del "dove non si scherza più", per scoprire insieme che non è poi così vero... E non è ancora finita perché in questi tempestosi giorni invernali giovani donne e giovani uomini dell'ITC e del Liceo Scientifico vedranno l'arrivo dei Maghimatici, che li inviteranno a mettere da parte i libri per qualche giorno per lasciare spazio alla più profonda immaginazione umana e alla semplice scoperta scientifica. Quella con la "s" minuscola, se vogliamo, ma pur sempre "scoperta".
Per tutti i giovani meno fortunati, quelli che non possono contare troppo su iniziative del genere presso i propri istituti scolastici o non hanno insegnanti and enlightened leaders or who want to work on the natural desire of discovery, the recommendation remains the same: look around you and whatever your passion never forget to look at things, all things inquiring with the curiosity that makes everything possible and dates vent to your ideas rebels.
Foreseeing Maghimatici of scientific laboratories in Abruzzo:
- Monday 28/02/2011, 8,30-13,30, Guardiagrele (CH), Liceo Scientifico.
- Martedì 01/03/2011, 15,00-16,00, Pineto (TE), Via De Litio,
Maghimatici alle prese con la Porta d'oro del Re .
- Mercoledì 02/03/2011, 8,30-13,30, Guardiagrele (CH),
Liceo Scientifico e ITC.
- Mercoledì 02/03/2011, 15,00-17,00, Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE),
I Circolo Sede D'Annunzio, È l'anno della Chimica!
- Mercoledì 02/03/2011, 18,00-19,00, Mutignano (TE), IPAB,
Maghimatici alle prese con la Porta d'oro del Re .
- Giovedì 03/03/2011, 9,30-12,00, Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE),
I Circolo Sede M. Schiazza, Matematica dalla A allo zero .
- Venerdì 04/03/2011, 9,30-12,00, Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE),
I Circolo Sede M. Schiazza, Matematica dalla A allo zero .
- Venerdì 04/03/2011, 15,00-17,00, Cologna Spiaggia (TE),
I Circolo, È l'anno della Chimica!
- Sabato 05/03/2011, 8,30-13,30, Guardiagrele (CH),
Liceo Scientifico e ITC.
A spectrum Abruzzo is haunting!

Per tutti i giovani meno fortunati, quelli che non possono contare troppo su iniziative del genere presso i propri istituti scolastici o non hanno insegnanti and enlightened leaders or who want to work on the natural desire of discovery, the recommendation remains the same: look around you and whatever your passion never forget to look at things, all things inquiring with the curiosity that makes everything possible and dates vent to your ideas rebels.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, imagination embraces the universe." Albert Einstein
Foreseeing Maghimatici of scientific laboratories in Abruzzo:
- Monday 28/02/2011, 8,30-13,30, Guardiagrele (CH), Liceo Scientifico.
- Martedì 01/03/2011, 15,00-16,00, Pineto (TE), Via De Litio,
Maghimatici alle prese con la Porta d'oro del Re .
- Mercoledì 02/03/2011, 8,30-13,30, Guardiagrele (CH),
Liceo Scientifico e ITC.
- Mercoledì 02/03/2011, 15,00-17,00, Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE),
I Circolo Sede D'Annunzio, È l'anno della Chimica!
- Mercoledì 02/03/2011, 18,00-19,00, Mutignano (TE), IPAB,
Maghimatici alle prese con la Porta d'oro del Re .
- Giovedì 03/03/2011, 9,30-12,00, Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE),
I Circolo Sede M. Schiazza, Matematica dalla A allo zero .
- Venerdì 04/03/2011, 9,30-12,00, Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE),
I Circolo Sede M. Schiazza, Matematica dalla A allo zero .
- Venerdì 04/03/2011, 15,00-17,00, Cologna Spiaggia (TE),
I Circolo, È l'anno della Chimica!
- Sabato 05/03/2011, 8,30-13,30, Guardiagrele (CH),
Liceo Scientifico e ITC.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Kids Sleep Apnea More Condition_symptoms
Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, tough, fuck
true that the symbol of American capitalism has always been bad, Coca Cola. But even call
Pepsi Cola Road, a street of Tripoli ...
View Larger Map
true that the symbol of American capitalism has always been bad, Coca Cola. But even call
Pepsi Cola Road, a street of Tripoli ...
View Larger Map
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Gall Bladder Pain More Condition_sympt Oms
Pasta e fagioli...
Difficulty: medium / high
Cooking time: about two and a half hours
Servings: 6 people around
Ingredients 500 gr. maltagliati
egg pasta 1 bag of 500 gr. of dried pinto beans 1 can of peeled tomatoes
1 and 1 / 2 onion, celery
fresh rosemary 1 carrot
Salt Pepper Olive oil
toast (I use those St. Charles, otherwise it's good enough for bread made bruschetta) 2 large potatoes
Difficulty: medium / high
Cooking time: about two and a half hours
Servings: 6 people around
Ingredients 500 gr. maltagliati
egg pasta 1 bag of 500 gr. of dried pinto beans 1 can of peeled tomatoes
1 and 1 / 2 onion, celery
fresh rosemary 1 carrot
Salt Pepper Olive oil
toast (I use those St. Charles, otherwise it's good enough for bread made bruschetta) 2 large potatoes
First of all, be absolutely put the beans in a pot of water for about 12 hours, you should do then the night before
After the expiry time drain beans and rinse in water freddana in the meantime put the same pot of salted water to a boil, pour the beans drained and cook for about an hour
Now take a large non-stick pan, pan type, place olive oil as a base, cut to pieces the carrot, onion, rosemary and celery to prepare for what will be your mixture, cook over high heat until you will fry the onion
In this case I had to cut my dough by hand, since I bought puff pastry with egg, but you can also find matagliati already made .. . so even if the result is good:)
Now peel the potatoes e tagliatele in 4 pezzi ogniuna... andarle quindi a posizionare nella stessa pentola con i fagioli dopo la prima mezzora di cottura, fino al termine dell'ora prevista
Una volta appassita la cipolla andrà rimossa, insieme ai rametti rosmarino. Fatto questo aggiungerte li pomodori pelati e continuare la cottura
Trascorso il tempo necessario scolate i fagioli e le patate e andate a posizionarli nella padella coln il soffritto, salate e pepate, continuate la cottura per circa mezz'ora fino al formarsi di una leggera salsa marrone
Una parte di questo composed of hours put into the chopper is going to create what will be your "bean sauce", hold it by
Once past the appropriate time, throw directly in this pot and let it cook the pasta according to package directions of
Transfer your pasta and beans in a special pot of reach and go to add at this point the only "bean sauce" that was previously prepared, then stir until nn amargami well so that the pasta and beans become denser
Now your dough and ready to serve, add the dish directly into crotini and a drizzle of olive oil
Una volta appassita la cipolla andrà rimossa, insieme ai rametti rosmarino. Fatto questo aggiungerte li pomodori pelati e continuare la cottura
Trascorso il tempo necessario scolate i fagioli e le patate e andate a posizionarli nella padella coln il soffritto, salate e pepate, continuate la cottura per circa mezz'ora fino al formarsi di una leggera salsa marrone
Una parte di questo composed of hours put into the chopper is going to create what will be your "bean sauce", hold it by
Transfer now all the pan fried in a pan and add water to make sure that you can build a "soup", to boil for about one 'another hour
Transfer your pasta and beans in a special pot of reach and go to add at this point the only "bean sauce" that was previously prepared, then stir until nn amargami well so that the pasta and beans become denser
Now your dough and ready to serve, add the dish directly into crotini and a drizzle of olive oil
all for today, a greeting from the chefs messy:)
.big Toe And Front Of Foot Pain
"Salt salt, and it does not hurt"
That drug made in secret by al-Qaida in the cafe of young Libyans in danger of becoming quite a big wheel. Meanwhile
nor advanced, could charge a bit 'speaker of the Italian ships that carry our compatriots at home. You see that maybe it's the right time something happens.
That drug made in secret by al-Qaida in the cafe of young Libyans in danger of becoming quite a big wheel. Meanwhile
nor advanced, could charge a bit 'speaker of the Italian ships that carry our compatriots at home. You see that maybe it's the right time something happens.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What Colour Indicates What In Shag Bands
Frivolous Metereology (Cadence)
He who tired of Berlin and in emotional crisis has the opportunity to move an island in the Pacific and he does, carrying computer equipment and various sounds, including a bit 'of homemade contraptions. Her that spring day before leaving to go to catch up, just when he had found himself through music and the simple life. May have invented all the press office of Cadence, but if they are well devised, and it works perfectly with the music we hear, the result of work-in-exile of the Canadian producer and musician Daniel Gardner: minimal house from exotic and naturalist, built on carpets of short loop repeated with convoluted jazzy at the top (see the acoustic guitar arpeggios Back Into the Deep ). Playful and enveloping music, including swing from track and experimentation, without the arrogance of so many things like that and the banality of so many others.
Frivolous Metereology (Cadence)
He who tired of Berlin and in emotional crisis has the opportunity to move an island in the Pacific and he does, carrying computer equipment and various sounds, including a bit 'of homemade contraptions. Her that spring day before leaving to go to catch up, just when he had found himself through music and the simple life. May have invented all the press office of Cadence, but if they are well devised, and it works perfectly with the music we hear, the result of work-in-exile of the Canadian producer and musician Daniel Gardner: minimal house from exotic and naturalist, built on carpets of short loop repeated with convoluted jazzy at the top (see the acoustic guitar arpeggios Back Into the Deep ). Playful and enveloping music, including swing from track and experimentation, without the arrogance of so many things like that and the banality of so many others.
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